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Software Piracy

Published: 01-Jan-2016 | Updated: 26-Mar-2018

While you may know that copying and/or distributing copyrighted software illegally is considered piracy, you may not be aware that even possession of software that has been illegally copied is piracy. There are actually many distinct types of software piracy, and familiarity with them can protect you from any connection, even if unintentional, to intellectual property theft

Types of Software Piracy

End-User piracy: When users copy software without appropriate licensing for each copy. This includes both casual copying and distribution between individuals, and companies who do not strictly monitor the number of software licenses they install and do not acquire enough licenses to cover their software installations. It also consists of unlicensed PCs caused by customers who have the misperception that their Volume License covers the full Windows desktop operating system, which it does not; Volume Licensing provides only for Windows desktop upgrades.

Pre-installed Software: When a computer manufacturer takes one copy of software and illegally installs it on more than one computer. Consumers should be on the lookout for proper license documentation when purchasing a new PC, to ensure they're getting what they paid for.

Internet Piracy: When unauthorized copies are downloaded over the Internet. If downloads are made available on the Internet, make sure that the publisher has authorized this distribution.

Counterfeiting: When illegal copies of software are made and distributed in packaging that reproduces the manufacturer's packaging. Counterfeit registration cards with unauthorized serial numbers are often included in these packages.

Online Auction Piracy: akes several forms, such as:

Don't be fooled

If the price of the software is too good to be true, the chances are it's illegal or unlicensed. In addition, pirated software packaging can look very similar to the genuine product.

How Piracy Affects You

You use intellectual property all the time, whether you know it or not. Pick up any book, and although you hold the paper in your hands, the content actually belongs to the author who wrote it, or the publishing company that printed it. This applies to music, art of any kind, as well as software. In fact, anything that can have a patent or a copyright is intellectual property.

Why is it important?

Imagine if anything you thought, made, or distributed could be legally reproduced and freely given away by others. What incentive would there be to continue your hard work? Cultures that value ingenuity, creativity and progress, have good reason to value intellectual property. In order to keep those cultural pioneers exploring, thinking, and inventing the next big thing, they need to know that what they discover, invent, or create is protected by law.


Software piracy threatens to rob our cultural pioneers of their incentive to keep bringing us the best in everything they do. Cybervore, Inc. is committed to preventing piracy from hurting legitimate software users, but by staying informed, you can ensure you're being part of the solution.

Owning software is different than other types of ownership. Because software - although often distributed on media such as CDs - is not a physical commodity, it is considered intellectual property. Ownership of such property is controlled by license agreements. Software licenses are legal documents describing the proper use and distribution of the software, as intended by the manufacturer, and provide the manufacturer with the revenue necessary to continue producing the software, and offering the service and support legitimate users depend on.

By using licensed Cybervore, Inc. software, you ensure that your products are fully supported, reliable, and that critical updates are available when needed.